Revolving Among the Crowded (Part II)

Rabu, 07 April 2010

Someone says
“write down your planning that you want to do in the future
with the pencil
and give the eraser for ALLAH SWT
let HIM erase the wrong parts of our planning
and change it with HIS more beautiful and wonderful planning for our life”.
Sometimes I feel loss, exhausted, frustrated, with all of these busy days
I feel like I’m alone, can’t trust anybody
I make a confession, I’ve come to realize it for along time ago, and now I’ve courage to speak it loudly inside my heart.
Nobodies perfect, nobodies can give hope, nobodies can totally trust by me.
Oz Vessalius from “Pandora Hearts” anime once said “you can’t trust them easily”
I’m totally agree with that philosophy.
It’s natural, it’s human being.
Let ALLAH SWT work it out.
Lead me to the right path, the wonderful one, the best one, for me and people around me.
“Negeri 5 Menara” novel said “Somebody who patient will be the lucky one
Don’t worry about suffer today
Keep on it, and see what’ll be happen in the future
Because, our purpose is become a human who have a mission of life
Find your own mission. It could be the writer, Al-Quran reader, orator, etc.
Find it and hope you’ll joyful
Life is once, so live with do the best things as best as you can”.

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